EQ とは?
EQ とは誰もが持っている力
EQ は伸ばせる能力
EQ理論提唱 者からのメッセージ <<
EQ理論 ~ 能力の4ブランチ
EQの人材能力開発 領域
┣■ 知性1 心内知性
┣■ 知性2 状況判断知性
┗■ 知性3 対人関係知性

しかし、EQ理論提唱者のピーター・サロベイ教授とジョン・メイヤー教授は、感情を扱う知能 (EQ)があり、これは後天的に開発することが可能であると提言しました。



Professor Mayer (John D. Mayer/ジョン・メイヤー ニューハンプシャー大学教授)

My colleagues and I have published a review of the EI field in the Annual Review of   Psychology. Many people depend upon the Annual Review for understanding the field of psychology so my colleagues and I were very serious to help. Peter Salovey, David Caruso and I also received notice that an article on EI has been accepted for publication in the scientific journal, American Psychologist.

John D. Mayer, Ph.D.

また、ピーター・サロベイ、デヴィッド・カルーソ、および私が著したEI(EQ)についての論文が、科学雑誌(American Psychologist)に受理されました。


Professor Salovey(Peter Salovey/ピーター・サロベイ イェール大学、学長(CAO))

Our laboratory is conducting research on teaching emotional literacy skills to school children. We have a three-year study to examine the impact that teaching students these skills will have on their well-being as well as on their academic achievement.

Peter Salovey, Ph.D.
Dean of Yale College, Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology



Dr. Caruso(David R. Caruso/デイビッド・R・カルーソ教授)

There is increasing interest in emotional intelligence being expressed by business schools. Recently, a colleague of ours has been asked to provide EI testing to business school students taking a negotiations class at Harvard Business School.
The Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago is asking us to develop and deliver a course to its second-year MBA students on EI.

David R. Caruso, Ph.D.



Source from Advantage Risk Management Co., Ltd.